Atkinson Elementary hosts blanket and sock drive to benefit local nursing home

Atkinson Elementary hosts blanket and sock drive to benefit local nursing home
Posted on 01/08/2021
Atkinson Elementary hosts blanket and sock drive to benefit local nursing home

By Kadey Heidrich
Pasadena ISD Communications

Atkinson Elementary recently donated 130 new blankets and 297 new pairs of socks to Park Manor of South Belt, as part of a drive hosted by the school. 

This marks the first year that Atkinson has hosted the drive and organizers made sure that all were able to participate. 

“We wanted to include every student, face to face and virtual, along with staff members,” said Andrea Luna, a Dyslexia and Intervention teacher at Atkinson. “The virtual students brought their donations and put them in containers on the front porch. The face-to-face students brought their items to their teacher.”

After the donations were taken in, they were sorted by grade level in order for the students to see how many items others in their grade had donated. 

“We didn’t make it a competition, but fourth grade students brought in the most items,” said Luna. 

Atkinson collected the donations throughout the month of December in hopes of spreading holiday cheer to residents of the nursing facility who haven’t been able to have visitors because of COVID safety regulations. On December 17, the items were given to residents at Park Manor. 

“We were told that the residents were excited by and thankful for the gift,” said Luna.